Tunneling with conjunctival graft for volume increase peri-implant: case report


  • Paula Jéssica da Silva
  • Juliano Canuto Gonçalves da Silva
  • Jaqueline Alves do Nascimento
  • Antônio Jackson Andrade Gonzaga de Oliveira
  • Tiago França Araripe Cariri
  • John Eversong Lucena de Vasconcelos




Introduction: The technique of tunneling connective graft has made it to recover defective vestibular volume, since it does not compromise aesthetics; it also gives the patient the function of the damaged area. Objective: The present study aims to report a case of tunneling with connective graft to increase peri-implant volume. Case Report: A 53-year-old female leucoderma sought a private clinic with complaint of pain, aesthetic dissatisfaction of element 11 and that had already had endodontic retreatment of the element in question and paraendodontic surgery, but without success. After performing the clinical examination and computed tomography, there was a paraendodontic lesion and little vestibular thickness and reabsorption of the cortical bone. In the planning, we opted for exodontic the element 11 and implant placement immediately. After healing, the need soft tissue grafting in the peri-implant region was observed to for vestibular volume increase. Final Considerations: it's corroborated that the technique of connective graft tunneling for soft vestibular soft tissue remodeling and new arrangement  are excellent reconstructive technique, since it does not allow relaxing incisions, making it impossible to have scars.

Descriptors: Connective tissue; Dental Implant; Grafts.


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Como Citar

da Silva, P. J., Canuto Gonçalves da Silva, J., Alves do Nascimento, J., Andrade Gonzaga de Oliveira, A. J., França Araripe Cariri, T., & Lucena de Vasconcelos, J. E. (2020). Tunneling with conjunctival graft for volume increase peri-implant: case report. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.21270/archi.v9i2.4732



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