Craniocervicomandibular dysfunction with alteration of the VIII cranial pair in muscular dystrophic: case report


  • Lioney Nobre Cabral Doutor em Biotecnologia pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas, UFAM, Professor Adjunto, Curso de Odontologia, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA) 69065-001 Manaus - AM, Brasil
  • Karoliny Fernandes Tavares Curso de Graduação em Odontologia pela Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA) 69065-001 Manaus - AM, Brasil



Neck Pain, Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne, Facial Pain, Physical Therapy Modalities


Craniocervicomandibular dysfunction is a common condition, it is believed that two thirds of the population will suffer cervical pain at some point in life. Characterized by cervical pain; limitation of the range of motion of the region; joint noises and muscle tension in the cervical region. Anatomically, the cervical region is the base and support of head and neck structures, and because of its proximity and common innervations, cervical spine disorders may manifest with pain in the orofacial region. When this dysfunction affects a person with severe muscular dystrophic condition, it tends to be much more severe. This study aims to evaluate craniocervicomandibular dysfunction in a patient with Duchenne compatible muscular dystrophy. A 22-year-old male patient attended the Dentistry Polyclinic of the Amazonas State University at the Stomatology Clinic complaining of jaw discomfort, noise and pain. He reported experiencing constant headaches, ear fullness and dizziness. Following clinical examinations, evaluation of temporomandibular disorders and muscle evaluation, the diagnosis of Craniocervicomandibular Dysfunction with Vestibulococleopathy was evidenced. Physiotherapy-associated treatment was initiated to condition an environment for the use of myorelaxant plaque.


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How to Cite

Cabral, L. N., & Tavares, K. F. (2021). Craniocervicomandibular dysfunction with alteration of the VIII cranial pair in muscular dystrophic: case report. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(5), 758–764.



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