Immediate Total Prosthesis in a Young Patient: Case Report
Denture, Complete, Immediate, Surgery, Oral, Mouth Rehabilitation, AnestheticsAbstract
Introduction: Tooth loss affects aesthetic and functional aspects of the patient's life and is especially embarrassing when they affect young individuals. Thus, the sooner the prosthetic rehabilitation is provided, the smaller the damage to the edentulous patient. Objective: To present a case report on the rehabilitation of a young patient using immediate complete denture (ITP). Case report: A 39-year-old patient sought surgical and rehabilitative care. After anamnesis, physical, clinical and radiographic examination, a treatment plan was drawn up, which included the extraction of all dental elements present and rehabilitation with immediate complete dentures. Thus, it was proposed to carry out the clinical and laboratory steps inherent to the manufacture of complete dentures concomitantly with dental extractions, so that the prostheses were installed in the same clinical section of the last extractions. Conclusion: The use of PTI improves the patient's adaptation from the dentate to the edentulous state, promotes patient comfort and reduces the trauma resulting from this transition. In addition to ensuring the recovery and maintenance of mastication physiology, it prevents the collapse of facial muscles, promotes the protection of surgical wounds, accelerates healing, reduces bone resorption and promotes self-esteem.
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