Bilateral mandibular dentigerous cyst in non-syndromic patient: technical strategy and literature review


  • Ana Flávia Santos
  • Henrique Hadad
  • Luara Teixeira Colombo
  • Rodrigo Capalbo da Silva
  • Pier Paolo Poli
  • Idelmo Rangel Garcia Junior
  • Francisley Ávila Souza



Unilateral dentigerous cyst is a common entity in the oral cavity. Conversely, bilateral dentigerous cysts are rare, especially in non-syndromic patients.  The purpose of the present article was to report a case of a bilateral dentigerous cyst in a non-syndromic patient and discuss about the treatment strategy. A literature review was perfomed and only eleven articles was report describing this condition. The orthopantomograph showed impacted wisdom teeth and a bilateral well-defined radiolucent unilocular image around the crown of the lower third molars. The diagnostic hypothesis was bilateral dentigerous cyst. The extraction of the impacted teeth was performed followed by excisional biopsy, which confirmed the diagnosis of dentigerous cyst.  It might be concluded that radiographic examination is the first resource to intercept initial changes in the dental follicle through observation of the radiolucent halo. The histopathological examination of the surgical specimen becomes essential to reach a final diagnosis of the lesion.

Descriptors: Dentigerous Cyst; Molar, Third; Surgery, Oral.


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Como Citar

Santos, A. F., Hadad, H., Colombo, L. T., da Silva, R. C., Poli, P. P., Garcia Junior, I. R., & Souza, F. Ávila. (2020). Bilateral mandibular dentigerous cyst in non-syndromic patient: technical strategy and literature review. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 9(2).



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