Rehabilitation with oculopalpebral prosthesis after orbit exenteration: a case report


  • Ana Carolina dos Santos Menezes Cirurgiã dentista, Mestranda no programa de Oncologia do Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar (INCA), Brasil
  • Luciana Ferreira Stahel-Lage Cirurgiã dentista, seção de Estomato Odontologia e Prótese, Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar (INCA),Brasil
  • Lísia Daltro Borges Alves Cirurgiã dentista, Mestranda no programa de Oncologia do Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar (INCA), Brasil
  • Fernanda Vieira Heimlich Cirurgiã dentista, Residência Multiprofissional em Oncologia e Física Médica do Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar (INCA),Brasil
  • Mônica Eliana Ribeiro Matos Técnica em Prótese Dentária, seção de Estomato Odontologia e Prótese, Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar (INCA),Brasil
  • José Roberto de Menezes Pontes Doutor em Odontologia, seção de Estomato Odontologia e Prótese, Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar (INCA),Brasil
  • Héliton Spíndola Antunes Doutor em Oncologia, divisão de Pesquisa Clínica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico do Instituto Nacional do Câncer, Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar (INCA), Brasil



Eye Evisceration, Orbit Evisceration, Eye Artificial, Rehabilitation, Survival, Social Adjustment.


Introduction: Surgical resection of head and neck tumors is an effective treatment, but it implies significant facial disfigurement depending on the location of the lesion. Those patients considered cured need to be rehabilitated aesthetically and functionally so that they can be reintegrated into social functions. The maxillofacial prosthesis is an artifact of low cost, which can solve this need. Case Report: This article reports the case of a 19-year-old patient who underwent orbit exanteration for the treatment of Solitary Retrorbital Fibrous Tumor, which, after surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy, was rehabilitated using an oculopebral prosthesis made of silicone. Conclusion: The case was considered a success and highlights the importance of the dental surgeon in the oncology team and the positive psychological and social impact of rehabilitation


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How to Cite

Menezes, A. C. dos S., Stahel-Lage, L. F., Alves, L. D. B., Heimlich, F. V., Matos, M. E. R., Pontes, J. R. de M., & Antunes, H. S. (2021). Rehabilitation with oculopalpebral prosthesis after orbit exenteration: a case report. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(7), 1076–1079.



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