Trend of Self-Medication Practice among University Students in the Dentistry Course at Universidade Brasil


  • Ana Paula Lopes Discente do curso de Odontologia, Universidade Brasil, 15600-000 Fernandópolis - SP, Brasil
  • Marcia Zauzar Modesto Tomba Discente do curso de Odontologia, Universidade Brasil, 15600-000 Fernandópolis - SP, Brasil
  • Leonardo Balduino Ferreira Discente do curso de Odontologia, Universidade Brasil, 15600-000 Fernandópolis - SP, Brasil
  • Luciana Estevam Simonato Professora Doutora do curso de Odontologia, Universidade Brasil, 15600-000 Fernandópolis - SP, Brasil
  • Rogério Rodrigo Ramos Professor Doutor do curso de Odontologia, Universidade Brasil, 15600-000 Fernandópolis - SP, Brasil



Self Medication, Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions, Drug Utilization


Medication is essential when utilized in a correct way for diseases treatment, however when it is self-medication to treat symptoms, without correct, orientation/ information this action is called self-medication. Self-medication can cause colateral symptoms even several problems that can terminate in death. That’s why, this research has the objective to evaluate the behavior of dentistry students from Universidade Brasil, Fernandópolis campus regarding the self-medication. This research involved 385 students, that answered the queries about 20 questions enabling by google forms. The questions were about self-medication profiles, 285 were female , 173 between 18 t 20 years old, 127 was on the third semester and 337 without background previous,214 singles.  From the total, 47% answered that already have done self-medication, and the majority (82,1%) were thought that was not necessary, 95,8% believes that this behavior can brings risks to theirs health. From the medicines, 292 (75,8%) were analgesics and the main cause was headache with 358 (93%) answers.  76,1% of the students told that they don’t do self-medication for their teeth, the ones that made it they have use dipirona in 81,9% of the cases, from that 79,8% said that the pain were gone and 71,2% said they went to get professional support. With this, it is noticed many students who neglect their own health and knowledge about the risks, since the danger of the practice can be imperceptible, since it is long term.


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How to Cite

Lopes, A. P., Tomba, M. Z. M., Ferreira, L. B., Simonato, L. E., & Ramos, R. R. (2021). Trend of Self-Medication Practice among University Students in the Dentistry Course at Universidade Brasil. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 11(2), 325–331.



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