Google Trends® Platform: Analysis of Brazilian Interests in the Field of Dental Aesthetics and Oral Health


  • Bianca de Almeida Capellari Graduação em Odontologia pelo Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração - Unisagrado – USC, 17011-160 Bauru - SP, Brasil
  • Fábio Silveira de Souza Doutor em Odontologia, Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração - Unisagrado – USC, 17011-160 Bauru - SP, Brasil
  • Rhillari Kimberlli da Costa Ribeiro Aluna de Iniciação Científica - Ensino Médio (PIBIC-EM) - Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração - Unisagrado – USC, 17011-160 Bauru - SP, Brasil
  • Marina Carneiro Aluna de Iniciação Científica - Ensino Médio - (PIBIC-EM) - Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração - Unisagrado – USC, 17011-160 Bauru - SP, Brasil
  • Karin Cristina Da Silva Modena Doutora em Odontologia, Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração - Unisagrado – USC, 17011-160 Bauru - SP, Brasil
  • Thiago Amadei Pegoraro Doutor em Odontologia, Centro Universitário Sagrado Coração - Unisagrado – USC, 17011-160 Bauru - SP, Brasil
  • Joel Ferreira Santiago Junior Professor das disciplinas de graduação: Prótese Dentária e Implantodontia da Unisagrado (Bauru); Professor Contratado III (Doutor) junto ao departamento de Prótese e Periodontia, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru (USP) 17012-901 Bauru - SP, Brasil



Oral Health, Aesthetics, Dentistry


Introduction: Researchs on digital channels about the interest of brazilians in different areas of oral health and dental aesthetics are relevant. Objective: This study used Google Trends © (GT) plataform search to conduct a review to analyze ten important topics for dentistry  in Brazil. The search was organized with keywords related to dental/facial aesthetics (A) and oral health (B). Methods: The topics were searched individually using the search volume index (SVI). Quantitative data were subjected to a normality test and a significance index of 0.05 was adopted. Results: The main results indicated that, in group A, tooth whitening is the most analyzed term, presenting a significant difference in comparison with the other terms: dental contact lens, dental facets (Ceramic Laminate Veneer), facial harmonization, and lip filling, p <0.05. For group B: oral health and Oral Herpes was the most evaluated terms, with no significant difference between them, p> 0.05. It was highlighted that there was a higher SVI for terms related to dental aesthetics/face in recent years (2016-2019), p <0.05, however  Group B  showed less variation (SVI) in the same period. Conclusions: There has been a significant increase in the use of keywords related to Group A in recent years at GT platform and a maintenance trend for oral health keywords. Teaching policies in Dentistry must contemplate the interest of the community and value the transmission and awareness of correct information in Dentistry for the development of good clinical care practice in the community.


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How to Cite

Capellari, B. de A., Souza, F. S. de, Ribeiro, R. K. da C. ., Carneiro, M. ., Cristina Da Silva Modena, K., Pegoraro, T. A., & Santiago Junior, J. F. (2021). Google Trends® Platform: Analysis of Brazilian Interests in the Field of Dental Aesthetics and Oral Health. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 11(1), 1–7.



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