Acid Resistance Ceramics: Development and Composition
Ceramics, Dental Prosthesis, Alumina, ZirconiaAbstract
Introduction: Due to the development of dental ceramics in search of better mechanical and aesthetic properties, currently there are a variety of ceramic systems, they can be classified in different ways, however the most used classification refers to the sensitivity to hydrofluoric acid (HF), of which the acid-resistant ceramics stand out. Objective: To carry out a literature review about the classifications of acid resistant ceramics, describing their development that occurred in search of more mechanical and aesthetic resistance. Materials and Methods: This literature review is based on original and review scientific articles indexed in the PubMED / Medline, Lilacs and Scielo databases. Articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria: full text and themes that addressed the subject under discussion. Results: According to their composition, ceramics are classified as vitreous and non-vitreous, the latter are called acid resistant. Its development begins with the incorporation of oxides into glassy ceramics, afterwards polycrystalline ceramics without glassy component were developed, highly resistant, however with high opacity, thus in search of greater aesthetics, the translucent zirconia appeared, combining aesthetics and resistance. Conclusion: it is important to know the type of ceramic selected to have clinical success in its indication, since each ceramic system has particular characteristics such as mechanical strength, opacity and translucency, and during the cementation protocol it is important to have knowledge about its structure so as not to cause damage to the material and obtain clinical longevity.
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