Submandibular Tumefaction with Unexpected Diagnosis


  • Géssyca Moreira Melo de Freitas Guimarães Department of Surgery, Stomatology, Pathology and Radiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo (USP) 17012-901 Bauru – SP, Brazil
  • Brena Rodrigues Manzano Department of Surgery, Stomatology, Pathology and Radiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo (USP) 17012-901 Bauru – SP, Brazil
  • Osny Ferreira Júnior Department of Surgery, Stomatology, Pathology and Radiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo (USP) 17012-901 Bauru – SP, Brazil
  • Paulo Sérgio da Silva Santos Department of Surgery, Stomatology, Pathology and Radiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo (USP) 17012-901 Bauru – SP, Brazil



Medical History Taking, Salivary Gland Calculi, Diagnosis, Oral


Objective: Reporting the case of a 68-year-old patient, referred for evaluation of a possible odontogenic tumor. The patient had a submandibular nodule with 2-year evolution, approximately 2 cm, hardened, mobile and asymptomatic in the right submandibular region. After careful clinical examination and panoramic radiography analysis, the presumptive diagnosis was sialolith. Then, surgical removal was performed without complications and, after histopathological analysis, the clinical diagnosis was confirmed. Conclusion: Clinical, radiographic and histological evaluations are always a challenge for the correct diagnosis of hard lesions in the oral cavity.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, G. M. M. de F. ., Manzano, B. R., Ferreira Júnior, O., & Santos, P. S. da S. (2022). Submandibular Tumefaction with Unexpected Diagnosis. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 11(4), 699–703.



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