Antimicrobian activity of the silver nanoparticle incorporated to composite resins in Restorative Dentistry: integrative review


  • José Ruan Cunha Correia Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá, 63900-257 Quixadá - CE, Brasil
  • Karlos Eduardo Rodrigues Lima Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá, 63900-257 Quixadá - CE, Brasil
  • Marcelo Victor Sidou Lemos Universidade de Fortaleza, Fortaleza – CE, Brasil
  • Érika Matias Pinto Dinelly Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá, 63900-257 Quixadá - CE, Brasil
  • Natasha Muniz Fontes Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá, 63900-257 Quixadá - CE, Brasil
  • Talita Arrais Daniel Mendes Programa de Pós Graduação em Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, 60020-181 Fortaleza – CE, Brasil



Composite Resins, Nanoparticles, Anti-Bacterial Agents


Objective: to review the literature in an integrative way to study the antibacterial activity of resin composites with silver nanoparticles incorporated in their composition. Methodology: there were three different searches in the literature in the databases Pubmed, Science Direct and Google Scholar, and in the first, the keywords “Antibacterial agents, composite resins” were used in the Pubmed database, combined with each other by the Boolean operator “OR”. It was resulted 52 studies without period restriction that, after critical reading of titles and abstracts, 6 of these were selected. In Science Direct, the keywords "bacterial agents" and "composite resins" were used, combined by the Boolean operator "OR". 110 studies were found without period restrictions that, after critical reading of titles and abstracts, were selected 4. Finally, in Google Scholar, the keywords “composite resins”, “silver” and “antibacterial agents” combined by the Boolean operator “AND”, resulting in a total of 20 studies, without period restriction, that after careful reading of titles and abstracts, 2 were selected. Results: it can be noted that with the implementation of silver nanoparticle in composite resins, there are a significant increase in resistance against Streptococus mutans and improvements in the mechanical properties of these materials. Final considerations: Studies have proven the effectiveness of using NP incorporated in resinous composites.


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How to Cite

Correia, J. R. C. ., Lima, K. E. R. ., Lemos, M. V. S., Dinelly, Érika M. P., Fontes, N. M. ., & Mendes, T. A. D. (2021). Antimicrobian activity of the silver nanoparticle incorporated to composite resins in Restorative Dentistry: integrative review. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(9), 1444–1449.



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