Perception of Dental Students in Relation to Posture in Clinic Activity


  • Tânia Adas Saliba Departamento de Odontologia Preventiva e Restauradora, Faculdade de Odontologia, UNESP Univ. Estadual Paulista, 16015-050 Araçatuba - SP, Brasil
  • Julio Martinez Alves Oliveira Departamento de Odontologia Preventiva e Restauradora, Faculdade de Odontologia, UNESP Univ. Estadual Paulista, 16015-050 Araçatuba - SP, Brasil
  • Wênica Victória De Souza Ruy Departamento de Odontologia Preventiva e Restauradora, Faculdade de Odontologia, UNESP Univ. Estadual Paulista, 16015-050 Araçatuba - SP, Brasil
  • Artênio José Isper Garbin Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba, UNESP



Ergonomics, Public Health, Dentistry


The term ergonomics arrived on the European continent in 1950, and with that, an association was created to understand the relationship between work and worker. The dentist is seen as a professional vulnerable to occupational injuries often caused by the adoption of inadequate efforts and postures during the exercise of repetitive activities in a clinical environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of sixth-year undergraduate dentistry students in relation to posture and occupational diseases. This is a cross-sectional observational research that was carried out at the Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba-UNESP. All 41 students regularly enrolled in evening dentistry courses in the 2019 and 2020 school year were included in the study. Interviews were carried out with dentistry students using a data collection instrument containing questions that involved to pain related to the neck, lower back, relationship with discomfort, and stress. Of the 36 respondents, 67% reported feeling pain in the neck region and 33% said no. Of the total number of students interviewed, 50% reported feeling pain, discomfort or numbness in the lower back. Of the respondents, 42% reported feeling very nervous a lot of the time. The proportion of students who reported feeling pain, physical and psychological discomfort as a consequence of inadequate ergonomic work practices reached a significant number. Adopting ergonomic work practices proves to be essential to reduce damage to health and promote quality of life.


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How to Cite

Saliba, T. A., Oliveira, J. M. A., De Souza Ruy, W. V. ., & Isper Garbin, A. J. (2021). Perception of Dental Students in Relation to Posture in Clinic Activity. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 11(2), 266–270.



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