Analysis of the Effectiveness of Three Automated Systems in Removing Endodontic Filling Material: in Vitro Study


  • Carolina Almeida Paradela Cirurgiã-Dentista pela Escola Superior da Amazônia (ESAMAZ) 66023-710 Belém - PA, Brasi
  • Hyan Gonçalves Chaar Lima Cirurgião-Dentista pela Escola Superior da Amazônia (ESAMAZ) 66023-710 Belém - PA, Brasil
  • Lyncoln Eduardo Alves Silva Graduando do Curso Medicina da Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Thiago Cardoso Vianna Mestrando, Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia e Pesquisa Experimental, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Pamela Daiana Cancian Mestranda, Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia e Pesquisa Experimental, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Manuella Dias Furtado Belém Professora Doutora, Centro Universitário da Amazônia (UNIESAMAZ) 66023-710 Belém - PA, Brasil
  • Laís Cunha Prado Professora Doutora, Centro Universitário Fibra (FIBRA) 66040-174 Belém - PA, Brasil
  • Priscila Xavier de Araújo Professora Doutora, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil
  • Amanda da Costa Silveira-Sabbá Professora Doutora, Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA) 68502-100 Marabá - PA, Brasil



Endodontics, Retreatment, Gutta-Percha


Cases of failure in endodontic therapy occur and non-surgical retreatment continues to be the first choice in attempts to restore the health of periapical tissues. For effective endodontic retreatment, removal of the filling material (OM) is necessary. The objective of the present in vitro study is to evaluate the effectiveness and compare three automated systems, ProTaper Universal Retreatment (PTUR), Reciproc and ProDesign Logic RT in the removal of BM in flat root canals, using Periapical Radiographs (RP) and Computed Tomography Cone Beam (CBCT) and measure the operative time. 30 extracted single-rooted lower incisors were selected, which were instrumented and filled with AH Plus cement. The teeth were sealed, placed in an oven for 30 days at 37ºC and randomly divided into 3 groups (n=10). Radiographs and tomography were performed, then BM removal was performed according to each manufacturer's recommendations for use and the operative time was timed. New x-rays and tomography scans were performed, the images were analyzed and compared regarding the frequency of BM remnants in the root thirds and classified according to pre-established scores. The data obtained were tabulated and statistical analysis between the thirds of each group was performed using the Fridman test and between groups the Kruskal-Wallis test (p<0.05). It was observed in the radiographic and tomographic analysis that all samples showed a significant reduction, with little or no MO. Regarding radiographic analysis, there was no statistical difference in the comparison of each third between the three systems, there was a statistically significant difference only in the intragroup analysis, between the cervical and apical third of the Reciproc group. In the tomographic analysis, there was no statistically significant difference between the systems or in the intragroup thirds. The ProDesign Logic RT system was statistically faster in removing MO than the ProTaper Universal Retreatment. It is concluded that the three automated systems presented satisfactory performance in the removal of OM as there was little or no remaining OM in the root canal and the ProDesign Logic RT system removed it faster.


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How to Cite

Paradela, C. A., Lima, H. G. C., Silva, L. E. A., Vianna, T. C., Cancian, P. D., Belém, M. D. F., Prado, L. C., Araújo, P. X. de, & Silveira-Sabbá, A. da C. (2024). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Three Automated Systems in Removing Endodontic Filling Material: in Vitro Study. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 13(4), 1205–1211.



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