Mononeuropathy of the maxillary nerve branches associated with COVID-19


  • Cristiano Gaujac DDS, PhD, Postdoctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry at the Federal University of Sergipe - Dentistry Department, 49060-100 Aracaju-SE, Brazil
  • Wilton Mitsunari Takeshita DDS, PhD, Federal University of Sergipe, teacher in the graduate and Postgraduate Program in Dentistry (Dentistry Departament) 49060-100 Aracaju-SE, Brazil
  • Danielle Pereira Gaujac MSc, PhD, Instituto Gaujac de Reabilitação Oral e Maxilofacial - 49026-010 Aracaju-SE, Brazil
  • Irineu Gregnanin Pedron DDS, MSc, Assistent Professor, Universidade Brasil
  • Elio Hitoshi Shinohara DDS, PhD, Assistant surgeon, Department of Oral Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital Regional de Osasco 06216-240 Osasco - SP, Brasil


Palabras clave:

Virus del SRAS, Infecciones por Coronavirus, Nervio Maxilar


This clinical note describes a case report where the patient notices that one of the symptoms suffered during COVID-19 infection is a mononeuropathy of the branches of the maxillary nerve, reviewing in the literature the findings of the affinity of the coronavirus to nerve fibers.


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Cómo citar

Gaujac, C., Takeshita, W. M., Gaujac, D. P., Pedron, I. G., & Shinohara, E. H. (2021). Mononeuropathy of the maxillary nerve branches associated with COVID-19. ARCHIVES OF HEALTH INVESTIGATION, 10(3), 442–444.



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