Graduation in Dentistry and the Application of PBL (Problem-Based Learning): its Main Implications
Teaching Methods, Problem Based Learning, Schools DentalAbstract
The new National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG) recommend the realignment of teaching methods used in undergraduate curricula in dentistry. PBL (Problem Based Learning) is an example of an active approach widely used in health area courses. It is characterized by its focus on the student, requires a proactive and critical attitude, and allows the development of skills to integrate theory and practice. Students experience problematic situations, reflect on their possible causes, search for synthetic information in the scientific literature, formulate hypotheses, and discuss possible diagnoses and forms of intervention. The purpose of this literature review is to provide information on the use of PBL methods in undergraduate dentistry. After a systematic search of scientific articles in the Virtual Health Library database, 10 articles published in the last 10 years reporting the application of this method in the formation of dental surgeons were selected and carefully analyzed. The results showed that the application of the PBL method in the dental curriculum stimulates students to be able to find solutions for the most diverse and complex clinical cases in an autonomous and efficient way. According to the results, it is evident that the use of PBL has enabled the formation of a differentiated professional profile that meets the most recent curricular guidelines for the dentistry course.
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